Magical Guide

Hello everyone! Thanks for playing my game! 

I wanted to share some general guides for new players since the mechanics may be a bit complex for the first time. The picture below shows each magic type and the arrows display the type of magic ball that goes through the magic ring without being blocked but getting slowed down. For example, an ice ball will go through a storm ring without being blocked, but getting slowed down.

If you follow the reverse of the arrows, the ball of each type and the ring of the next type will create a shield effect. For example, a fire ball and a storm ring will create a shield. 

Lastly, if you get the same type of magic ball and ring, you will get a super boost each time they collide. However, the enemies can also use your ring which could backfire if you aren't careful!

Have a wonderful day!

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Jul 17, 2022

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